5 Reasons to start using Propeller Ads today - monlife


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Monday 23 October 2017

5 Reasons to start using Propeller Ads today

With so many ways to make money online, it can get a little confusing which avenue to choose. You could write your own eBook, sell affiliate products or create a list and hope prospects buy what you email.
But all of them take a lot of time and effort and don’t guarantee you with revenue. Maybe you can’t write so well, don’t know which affiliate products to sell or are hopeless with list building – then what?
Propeller Ads – that’s what.
Unlike any other form of website monetization, Propeller Ads doesn’t require you to have any skills or online marketing knowledge. Here’s 5 reasons why thousands of website owners and Internet marketers are using Propeller Ads to make money online.

You don’t need to do anything (except a little copy and pasting)

The best thing about our business model for publishers is that our ad units do all the work. Once you place our ads on your site (you only copy and paste), there is little else for you to do. Once traffic starts engaging with your ads, you’ll start generating revenue instantly.
You don’t need any technical knowledge and we even have a knowledge base showing you how place ads on your website. It’s a 100% passive income stream.

Easy to get started

Unlike other advertising networks that require your website to meet certain requirements, one of our unique features is it’s super easy to get started. Your account is activated as soon as you sign-up and can start earning within minutes.
We accept all websites that meet our relaxed terms and conditions. Whether you created your website today and only have a handful of visitors, or bring thousands of unique views each day – you can call Propeller Ads your new home.

We work alongside other advertising networks

If you’re already using AdSense but want to further increase your website revenue, Propeller Ads can be used in-conjunction several ad and affiliate networks such as Commission Junction and Clickbank.
There are very few limitations using our service and our ads are a great way to maximize your website’s earning potential.

Transparent reporting tools

Our reporting features provide you with detailed metrics on ad performance. Data includes:
  • Impressions
  • Clicks (for banner ads)
  • CPM
  • CTR (for banner ads)
  • Profit
Dates can be segmented and filtered to show specific ads and date ranges, ideal for testing ads and seeing which units and positions are best for ad optimization. On top of that, you’ll be able to see how much revenue your website is generating on a daily basis.

More ad units than you know what to do with

Depending on the layout of your website, generic text and banner ads may cause users to have a bad website experience, or they may not be appropriate to use. Propeller Ads offers a number of diverse ad-units to cater for any type of website. We have:
  1. Onclick Popunders
  2. Mobile dialogs
  3. Mobile interstitial
  4. Mobile banners
  5. Direct links
  6. Classic banners
  7. Sliders
We’ve tested and fully optimized each ad unit to provide advertisers with the best possible ROI.

An almost flawless fill rate

Most advertising networks have a fill rate of less than 60%. This means for every 100 ad requests, only 60 will be served ads while the other 40 see nothing and potential revenue is lost.
Propeller Ads has almost a 100% fill rate ensuring you maximize revenue for each and every visitor. Unlike many other advertising networks, we have the ability to monetize international traffic from hard to monetize countries (excluding China), making us the perfect choice if your site receives traffic from multiple geographical locations.
This is one of the reasons why we are widely used in emerging economies.


Making money online doesn’t have to be difficult. Creating your own products or building a list requires a lot of skill and doesn’t guarantee revenue. Propeller Ads is a 100% passive income stream for all websites that receive traffic.
It requires minimum effort to setup, accounts are activated instantly and you can start earning immediately.

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