How to get an Anti-Adblock code for OnclickAds (popunder) - monlife


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Monday 23 October 2017

How to get an Anti-Adblock code for OnclickAds (popunder)

We provide our publishers a solution to show ads to users with installed adblocking software.
This technology allows successfully bypass AdBlock and bring publishers additional revenue (up to 25%).

1) Add and verify a new site or choose an existing one from sites list.

2) If your site has some ad zones - click “Add New Channel”.

Anti-Adblock Solution - add new Ad Channel

3) Choose the Popunder zone type.

Anti-Adblock Solution - choose Popunder zone type

 4) Enter a name for this Ad Channel and click “Next” button.

Anti-Adblock Solution - provide name for new ad channel

 5) Do not take the generated standard code and click button “Create Anti-Adblock Tag

Anti-Adblock Solution - Create Anti-Adblock Tag

6) Take one of Anti-Adblock codes (JS or PHP) and integrate it on your website.

Anti-Adblock Solution - take Anti-Adblock code & integrate 

Read also:

How to integrate ad channel code with Anti-Adblock support?

How to get the code with Anti-Adblock support for existing ad channels?

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