New features for Mobile Dialog Ads making it more user-friendly - monlife


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Monday 23 October 2017

New features for Mobile Dialog Ads making it more user-friendly

We’ve updated our top-performing advertising format for mobile audience – Dialog Ads (PushUp) to make it even better. Aims of the update to make advertising more friendly for users, but to keep it’s efficiency.

push_mobDelayed Call

This feature allows the Dialog Ad to be delivered only to visitors who spend a certain amount of time on your website (for example: after 10 seconds).

Call by Click

This feature allows the Dialog Ad to be delivered only to visitors who make a specified number of clicks (pageviews) on the site (for example: after 3rd click on any part of your site).
Both of these parameters can be configured with any values.
To set up a delay in seconds or number of clicks – please contact our support team and specify the values you want to set.

Enhanced compatibility with OnClick

We also improved the performance of Dialog Ads in conjunction with Onclick Popunder ads. Now, if you use both of these formats, visitor gets a Dialog Ad only after closing the popunder. This increases the earnings from “DialogAds+Onclick” by more than 15%.
If you already use both ad formats (DialogAds and Onclick) on your site, you don’t need to make any changes, because it was already optimized by our team.
If you still do not use Dialog Ads on your site, don’t miss this opportunity!Login to your account and grab your easy to implement code.

Why Dialog Ads?

Dialog Ads “Push Up” is a great monetization solution for gaming, entertaiment, download and other websites with engaged audiences.
Here are some benefits:
– No mobile optimized website is needed!
– Highest CTR and CPM rates up to $5
– We accept worldwide traffic
– Integrates into your website without interfering with the existing content and ad spaces.
– Fully compatible with AdSense or other networks.
– User and search engine friendly (no redirects, easy return to content, family safe ads)
To learn more about mobile dialog ads, be sure to check out our ad products gallery.

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