What is vertical native advertising - monlife


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Tuesday 24 October 2017

What is vertical native advertising


Mobile Native Advertising (native advertising) is a type of advertising that fits in not only with the look and feel of a mobile site or feed, but is similar to the actual content, hence the term ‘native’. The form and function of the particular mobile experience is critical when creating native advertising on mobile.


The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has identified six primary formats of mobile native advertising, including in-feed, in-ad, recommendation widgets, promoted listings, paid search, and custom.


By far the most popular format of native advertising and is used by most major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As the name suggests, these ads appear within the feed of the mobile app and/or site. Due to the unique and versatile nature of mobile apps, mobile in-feed formats come in a number of variations:

In-Feed Content

Generally includes editorial content such as written pieces, music, games and videos. Has exactly the same look and function as unpaid content.
Native-Mobile In-Feed-Content

In-Feed Social

Content on social network feeds. Can include sponsored related content with data pulled from social circle interests, such as friends who like certain brands. Blends in with social media platform.
Native-Mobile In-Feed Social

In-Feed Commerce

Includes advertising near or in stores using NFC, GPS or payments. Advertising blends in with app, similar to products with buy/wishlist-like features.
Native-Mobile In-Feed-Commerce


Advertising that offers an in-game reward for watching content. Reward needs to enhance in-game experience. Includes games that offer ad-supported ‘freemium’ models. Content has to match game look-and-feel, only activated on user interaction with ad.
Native-Mobile In-Game


Content related to location and navigation information on mobile maps. Location relevant business listings and/or offerings, as well as advertising.
Native-Mobile In-Map


Integrates with mobile web and in-app search results. May include location-specific, product-related information or call-to-action such as listing directions to a relevant business.
Native-Mobile search-listings


Content included in widgets that recommend other content of interest such as articles, videos, etc. either at the end of a feed or specific content such as the end of an article or video.
Native-Mobile Recommended-Widgets


Custom-built mobile ads, often in the form of sponsored apps that feature brand-related content. Location-based interaction and augmented reality features are popular.
Native-Mobile Custom


Content in the form of IAB standard sized banners. Ads appear similar to regular banners, but contain content that is contextually relevant. This makes banners more engaging and less intrusive.

Compared to other ad formats (native vs banner)

Banner ads are placed separately from content of the page, whereas native ads form part of the editorial. While they don’t stand out like banner ads often do, they perform much higher in terms of engagement, driving things like brand affinity and intent to purchase. Consumers look at native ads almost as long as they do at editorial content, in fact, often look at native ads more than they do at editorial content.

What’s important for advertiser

Native advertising significantly more visually engaging and effective than regular mobile advertising, and results in a substantial increase in purchase intent. Different formats are suited to different objectives:

In-Feed Content

Increase engagement with interactive content - watch, listen & read

In-Feed Social

Brand awareness and engagement

In-Feed Commerce

Drive actual sales, both physical and digital


Brand awareness and increased engagement


Increase foot traffic

Paid Search & Listings

Increase site visits and foot traffic

Recommendation Widgets

Drive site traffic to content


Brand awareness

In-ad Content

Stand out on sites with saturated ad inventory

What’s important for website owners

Advertising regulations in many territories require native advertising content has to be identified as promotional or sponsored content. Native advertising is less intrusive, but too much, as well as badly placed ads and/or content that interferes with user experience, can drive away visitors.

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